Monday, October 6, 2014

Chapters 1-3

Learning Web Design: Chapters 1-3.

There’s a lot of information in these first three chapters about web design, the internet, and the varied devices that web pages appear on! The part I found the most interesting was that web design is not just about how web pages look on the surface, but how the internals of web pages work, how users experience those pages, and how many things come together in the “design” of web pages. Examples of elements of web pages are HTML, JavaScript, CSS code and the servers that serve up the web pages.

The web and web design has had a varied history of standards and has evolved over the years. I find it interesting that the smart phone revolution is a game changer in how web pages are designed and viewed.

Q1: As more and more folks are using low-resolution devices, should we design for the phone, and hope it looks okay for the computer screen, or have separate versions for each device?

A1: Progressive enhancement attempts to solve this browser issue by designing for basic content delivery that is compatible to all browsers, and then adding features layer by layer to accommodate the more advanced browsers and higher resolutions. I look forward to learning more about progressive enhancement and how to incorporate the varied tools like CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, and their respective standards, into web design.

Q2: What’s wrong with designing web pages for the computer screen only? Smart phone browsers have that can scale the size of text and graphics?

A2: The scaling of browser windows on smart phones is very clunky and awkward, and degrades the user experience. It is better to design content for phone browsers and scale up the features for higher resolution browsers.

Monday, September 29, 2014

About Me

My name is Brent Norum and I am a returning student at Cal Poly Pomona. I went to elementary school at U.E.S., an experimental school on the UCLA campus, then to Lincoln Junior High School in Santa Monica for grades 7-9, and finally to Santa Monica High School where I completed my high school diploma. I completed a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Geology at Cal Poly Pomona in 1997. I have a wife and three children that keep me very busy. For hobbies, I enjoy backpacking, rock climbing, camping, and photography—you could call me an “outdoors” type.

On the technology continuum, I would categorize myself as a “techie” as I work as an IT Consultant in the Desktop Technology group of the IT division at Cal poly Pomona. I really enjoy solving IT problems and assisting others with technology that helps them do their jobs. I have worked in the IT field for twenty years, the last ten years at Cal Poly Pomona, and the prior ten years at the U.S. Forest service. I guess you could say I love the computer thing!

I have just signed up for the Masters of Educational Multimedia program to further my education. It has been a while since I received my Bachelor’s degree and I wanted to keep learning in the technology field and also broaden my horizons with a master’s degree. I like working with digital pictures and videos of my family and hobbies. In my job, I sometimes do some web page editing for folks, and I want to learn more. The Masters in Educational Multimedia fits the bill!